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Writer's pictureJessica Storch

To monitor or not to’s a NO!

I figured it would take more than a couple days for the haters to rise up over MY blog. At first, I was tempted to monitor anyone who had access but that’s a definite no. I will not censor what is mine, how I choose to tell it, who I choose to include or not, or anything else.

Let me be clear, this will be a collection of my memories and my experiences. If you get anything from what I share then I am glad and please stay with us for the long haul however, if you don’t....feel free to not read what I’ve written or not even frequent my site. And frankly, if you are going to be an asshole or negative in any way...keep it moving...there is no time here for that.

What others say about you says more about them than you. What you say about others says more about you than them. What do your words say about the kind of person you are? –Michael Josephson

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